Subject: Re: ppp FAQ suggestions
To: Paul Goyette" , "port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/08/1997 19:41:59
Paul Goyette wrote:

>Well, I guess my point is that this stuff shouldn't be (or at least,
>doesn't need to be) port-mac68k specific.  I know I've gotten lots of
>e-mail from people all over using at least three different ports, all
>asking about how to get pppd set up.
You're right, it shouldn't be mac specific. Like you said, Mac users 
aren't the only ones having difficulty with ppp and serial ports.

>Calling things "printer" and "modem" means as much to an Intel-80x86 user
>as "com0" and "com1" does to a Mac user.
Yeah, I still can't figure out the com0/com1 thing on my PeeCee.  It took 
me forever to figure out where the internal modem was. The only way I 
could do it was by reading the manual and sending an "atz" to the port to 
see if it'd respond.  The Mac's ICONs on the ports sure are a nice 

>Perhaps the new FAQ can have a port-specific translation table, so that
>each port's users can look up the serial port by names that they're
>familiar with and find the "proper" NetBSD equivalent?  :)

I like this idea, especially if we can get it into all the ports of 
NetBSD. Would it be possible to just have the Installer build a symbolic 
link of the serial port name to the "proper" NetBSD equivalent?  Maybe 
this could also be included in the port-specific /etc tarball?  Isn't 
this how the mouse is connected to the proper device in NetBSD/i386?
