Subject: IIci Booter problem
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Edward Seth Miller <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/07/1997 16:38:32
I am attempting to set up a IIci, and so (logically enough) I decided to 
try NetBSD out under MacOS before committing to the whole installation.  
I pulled down booter 1.9.5 and unBinHexed and unStuffed it, and I grabbed 
kernel 1.2.1, which I ungzipped and untarred.  I put them both into a 
folder, and attempted to boot.  I've tried it with monitor in 1, 2, 4, 
and 8-bit modes, both Mac Display Card 4*8 and IIci internal video, and 
with cache and ethernet card in and out.  I always get the same thing.  
The computer makes it up to: 

	Set _mac68k_vrsrc_vec to {0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 }.

And (since I told it to ask before booting, so that I could see where the 
problem was and review my env dumps) it proceeds to ask if I want to 
continue the boot.  I say yes, and it locks up about 1 or 2 seconds 
later.  Nothing else comes onto the screen, and I have extra debugging 
on, debugging set to level 10...
	Anybody have any ideas?  I think I saw this before when I tried 
to make a Performa 640 work (I gave up on THAT quick), and I think I got 
it past there, but I don't remember how.
	By the way, I have 8M of RAM, with MacOS 7.1 installed.  I don't
know if that is of any importance.
	Thanks for any assistance.

	-Seth Miller