Subject: Re: *static IP ??**
To: Kevin <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/19/1997 11:27:19
> HI guys, in MacOS I can elect to have a static IP address, by specifing
> it.. like in freepp, the IP address is either dynamically assignmed by the
> PPP server, or I have the chose to chose my own.. .I choose
> in NetBSD I use the pppsetup.tar.gz files...I believe what
> I am loooking for is how to specify my local ip address...where do I put
> this?

As Paul and Jason pointed out, you can specify the IP address in
the /etc/ppp/options file. Since you're only setting your IP address (it's
arrogant to try to set the ISP's address), add something like:

But I'm confused by one statement you make, "I choose"
Is that the static IP address your ISP has chosen for you? I guess my point
is that your ISP has to like your IP address, and I doubt they'd like a
random selection.

You might not have to set it, though. "Dynamic," just means, "ask." So if
your ISP always says the same thing, you're set. Though if you set it,
you can use the demand dial stuff.

Take care,
