Subject: Re: **PPP! ACK!!!! HELP!!!!**
To: Krypto <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/08/1997 14:38:56
> Ok, guys I still have had to luck getting on the internet with netbsd.. I'v
> tried all of yoru advices..and none work.. when I used my terminal emulator
> to see what my isp does... it just shows CONNECT 57600.. no login, no
> password text displayed.. So I called my provider..they need I need PPP
> software that supports PAP (password authentication protocal) and I CAN NOT
> use chat scripts, etc. Which is guess why when i use the terminal I don't
> see anything... he also said open transport, freeppp, etc... all support
> the PAP protocal. Where can i get this?

That little detail makes QUITE a difference.

As Colin said, NetBSD's ppp supports PAP. All you need to do is change
the configuration.

Here are suggestions for how to change the ppp.setup scripts. As I've not
used PAP, I'm depending on the list to correct anything I get wrong. :-)

1) Delete everything in the chat script after the "CONNECT" line. Once
chat sees CONNECT, it's done. Leave the "" at the end of the line.

Thus all the login ID and password stuff will disapear from the chat file.
You can leave the things in /etc/ppp/ppp-login. They won't hurt anything
after you change the chat script.

2) Make a /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file and put in it:

* * <your password>

3) Add a line to /etc/ppp/options which contains:

user <your user name>

I think this should cover everything.

Take care,
