Subject: Re: New user installation questions
To: Michael Robinson <>
From: synapse <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/30/1997 00:11:20
>I apologize if this question is not pertinant to this list or if there is a
>good faq that answers my question and I just haven't found it yet. But I am
>trying to install MacBSD on my IIsi and not being a coder type guy I don't
>really get the read me file installation instructions.
>Can anyone point me to more sources for installation discussions? Maybe by
>culling many different instructions I'll get to where I can figure out how
>to go about installing NetBSDmac68k.
>The IIsi is my old computer that I don't use anymore since I got a PowerMac
>so I want to devote it totally to learning Unix. It has a Quantum 840 meg
>internal HD, a 44 meg syquest (external) and 17 mb ram. I just can't figure
>out how to get started!
>I have a CD I got from InfoMagic with NetBSDmac68k 1.2.
>Michael Robinson
>Medford, Oregon USA

the most helpful database for NetBSD/mac68k related documents, howto's,
contact's, FAQ's, updates, etc... are found at:
good luck!
  - a