Subject: Quadra 610 BSD
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Adrian Fowler <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/29/1997 22:38:43
Hello people,

I'll get strait to the point.

I have a Quadra 610 and just tried to install macbsd, but it crashes out
with either an address error (extensions enabled) or a jump to zero
(extensions disabled)

Either way it dies.  I've checked the user survey and both of the people who
have NetBSD working on Q610's have custom built kernels, so is there anyone
out there who can either let me have a kernal that works with my mac or give
me a few pointers to getting it working, preferably both.

Thanks for your time.


PS I have also mailed directly to the 2 people on the list

        Adrian M. Fowler          | Time flies like an arrow  |        | Fruit flies like a banana |  |                           |