Subject: Re: Initial networking setup phase.
To: Stewart King <>
From: The Great Mr. Kurtz [David A. Gatwood] <davagatw@Mars.utm.edU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/20/1997 14:31:11
On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, Stewart King wrote:

> ae0 at nubus0: address 2b:81:0d:34:0c:be, type Farallon EtherMac II-TP,
> 32k mem.

Fine so far.

> starting network
> duplicate IP address 7f000001 sent from ethernet addres 00:c0:7b:5f:a0:96
> arp_rtrequest: bad gateway valuertinit: wrong ifa (0x6b2b780) was
> (0x6b2b300)
> host12: bad value
> #: bad value

Okay.  You're trying to configure the machine using an IP number that's
already in use somewhere on the network.  Make sure you copied it right
from MacTCP, and if you did, make sure MacTCP wasn't running when you
started NetBSD.  That _could_ be a problem, perhaps -- it's a long shot,
though, really.  :-)

Also, somebody in charge of those error messages, could you judiciously
insert a few \n's, please?  :-) 

Okay, the gateway address may or may not be right, but there's no way to
be sure, since the IP address you put in didn't work.

> (host12 is what I'm trying to name the machine) and, when I try to telnet
> to anything other than localhost, 
> Host name lookup failure

Can't find the nameserver because it couldn't connect to the network
because the IP address conflicted with another machine.

> or, if I put it in the hosts file,
> Trying
> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

Same there.  eth0 couldn't configure correctly, so there's no route to
anything but localhost (through... lo0 maybe?).

Hope that helps,

|David A. Gatwood             And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,  |
|      Went home and put a bullet through his head.|
|          --Edwin Arlington Robinson         |
|         |
|    |