Subject: GENERIC and -current
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Peters <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/13/1997 12:40:57
  Could someone post a file (this might already have been done, if so,
could someone point me in the right direction) telling what change(s) are
in the new kernels?  Knowing what's different in plain english
(does anyone speak that now, or is it all eubonics?) between say
GENERIC-15 and GENERIC-20 for example, would greately reduce the trial and
error, or guesswork involved in most newbies' first installations (or
second, third, or later successive tries).  I realise that the generics
are compiles resulting from the near daily changes to the -current source
tree, i think the general public might want to know what changed.  I'm
sure the person compiling isn't doing it just for the sake of compiling.

Michael D. Peters