Subject: Re: A new mailing list perhaps???
To: Stefan Schmiedl" , "Tony <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/05/1997 08:57:07
>> I was thinking that this mailing list has gotten slightly out of
>> hand.  We should really categorize the mailing list so people
>> can pick and choose which ones they'd like to suscribe to.
>> ....
>> Maybe so there is:
>> help-mac68k   Help on getting Macs running BSD and Misc.
>> port-mac68k   Porting issues of the kernel
>> soft-mac68k   Porting, compiling, and running of software packages
>> etc.

I disagree - 20 to 25 messages every other day or two doesn't seem out of 
hand to me. The number of active people on this list is still quite 
small, and sub-dividing it further will drive many good people away.  
Some of the more active members also subscribe to other NetBSD mailing 
list that do generate a *lot* of traffic, and any new MacBSD lists would 
probably get lost in the noise. Also, many people just lurk on the list 
and pick up lots of valuable information from what is posted - both 
questions and answers. A number of us that do try to pitch in and help 
new users do so via personal E-Mail to keep the list from getting out of 
hand.  I think people would find that if they initially post a more 
complete description of their configuration and problem, they'd get more 
of the individual help they need via E-Mail. It's pretty hard for anyone 
to jump in and try to help when the posting says nothing more than "I 
can't boot", or "color doesn't work".  New users are almost always 
advised to read the FAQs first, but sometimes that doesn't always happen 
and dividing the mailing list won't change this.
