Subject: Re: Appletalk logins?
To: Michael G. Schabert <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/03/1997 16:38:03
> >	Do you want to access the disks & printers on the NetBSD box via
> >	appletalk, or something else?
> >
> >	If its the former then you should be able to use NetATalk (check
> >	the port-mac68k mail archives for a month or so back for an
> >	announcement re NetATalk), or CAP.
> Actually, I believe he wants to set up a TCP network on his localtalk
> network, & with the NetBSD machine perform routing tasks, a la Apple
> Internet Router. This way he can have his whole network on the Net with
> just one modem/ISP connection.

The answer is no. We don't have LocalTalk support yet, and the
AppleTalk support is still in beta (and might be for a while as
I seem to be the ring leader of that port when I don't know much
about all the layers of AppleTalk; anyone want to help?).

If it's only one other machine, you could use ppp to the other
(MacOS) machine, and use the firewall code to support the other machine.

Take care,
