Subject: NetBSD installation
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/30/1996 09:04:52
Hi, some days ago I wrote:

> I have also downloaded base12 and etc12, but if try to install them, the
> installer aborts with error 1, it briefly shows "try with cpin cpout".
> I tried this mode, but it only copy the files to the unix side.
> If I use gzip and tar to decompress the files, they also find that these are
> not gzip files and tar finds also errors.

Well, all of you were right. I have downloaded again etc12 and base12 selecting
specifically binary download, and got them installed properly.
I am now happily running NetBSD in my Quadra 650 and "only" need to get a
manual and start learning Unix.
Thank you very much to all that answered my question.

By the way, I know that vi is the standard, but is there a full screen editor
like VAX-VMS EDT ??

Sincerely, Fernando Ubiria