Subject: Re: X-server problems
To: Christoph Ewering <>
From: Stephen C. Brown <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/28/1996 11:00:00
>Hello !
>I have a problem with the X server. I use madhatter#35-kernel with
>the xserver.961105.
>The xserver won=ABt start if the Mac is in 256-color-mode.

This is to be expected.  There is not yet any color support for
quadra internal video.

>When the mac is in 640x480 resolution, the xserver starts, but i am unable
>to start additional xterms.

How are you trying to start the xterms(e.g. mouse menus or direct invocation
from the command line of an already open xterm).  Do you get any error
messages??  There should be error messages returned to you, particularly
if you invoke from the command line.  Are you trying to pass any options
to the xterm command, other than just doing a "xterm &"??  You might also
check your "DISPLAY" environment variable.  It should have been set
automagically when you invoked the X environment, but if you copied your
.cshrc, etc. files from another machine, you may be resetting it incorrectly=

Another note is that X11R6 uses xauthority, so, if you su to another user,
you don't have the "magic cookie" to allow you to open new X apps on the
already open X environment.  I somehow doubt this is the case, though.

>When the mac is in 832x624 resolution, the xserver hungs after it
>"Screen 0 at 0x41ad000, 832 by 624, rowB 832, fbase 0."

Sorry, I don't have a multisync monitor, so I can't really help you with
this one.

>Is somebody using the G16 or G17 kernels on a Quadra 700 ?
>On my mac the bootprocess stops after "[preserving....]"

The patches introduced in GENERIC 16 and 17 are known to hang both the
Q610 and the Q700, and possibly others.

Steve Brown

>Thanks, bye
>        Christoph
>Christoph Ewering
>Husarenstrasse 48         Fon: 05254 12555
>33104 Paderborn