Subject: NetBSD installation
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/26/1996 18:10:44
Hi, I am new to NetBSD, so probably I am doing a stupid mistake.

Hi have partitioned a HD with 20 MB for MacOS, 125 MB Root & Usr, 25 MB for
Swap and 3 MB Eschatology.
I have also formated Root & Usr with mkfs and when I use Install, the partition
/ gets mounted, I can use ls, rm and I can install the Kernel, I have used

I have also downloaded base12 and etc12, but if try to install them, the
 installer aborts with error 1, it briefly shows "try with cpin cpout".
I tried this mode, but it only copy the files to the unix side.
If I use gzip and tar to decompress the files, they also find that these are
not gzip files and tar finds also errors.
The tree files, etc12, base12 and the kernel were downloaded with fetch 3.0.

Could anyone be so kind to give me a hand ??
Sincerely, Fernando Ubiria