Subject: Re: Keeping up with the Generics
To: HiPoinT <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/14/1996 17:06:02
> I am still using the quadra.kernal for my Centris 650.
> has there been any improvments to the Generics that will
> include the Centris 650 or any new additions that the quadra.kernal
> may lack?  Also I, being a neophite, would like to experiment
> with X.  Will X run on the quadra.kernal?

I don't believe that X will currently run on the quadra's or centrises 
because of an internal video configuration problem (but since someone 
just posted patches that'll get a Q660av to work, I might be wrong on 
this one ;-)

> And, since I'm firing off questions to the breeze, I edited my
> pw file to include another user, but when I login as that user,
> it says that my account has expired. Hmmm. whatdat?

You must have put something in the passwd entry field that specifies when 
the account in question expires.  Take a look at the passwd man page to 
check out the format.  Also, you may have a comma in the encrypted 
password itself, which generally is a problem with passwd expiration.  If 
this doesn't help, please email a copy of the password entry in question 
(probably from /etc/passwd is best), and I'll see what I can figure out.


Colin Wood                            
Consultant                                        Rice University
Information Technology Services                       Houston, TX