Subject: INN 1.5
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Joshua Krage <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/10/1996 15:30:58
Has anyone tried to compile INN (InterNet News) v1.5?  (Available at  I haven't had the time I've wanted to check it out
thoroughly, but I can't get it compiled.  For whatever reason, gcc
will abort (SIGABRT) with an internal error.  I'm working off of the
original NetBSD 1.2 release.  For another reason, I had occasion to
reinstall gcc 2.7.2 from source code, and this did the same as the
pre-compiled binaries provided with NetBSD 1.2.  As expected since
they're the same versions.

If you have successfully compiled INN 1.4 (any version), please let me
know as well.  I'm planning on trying it as a comparison against 1.5,
but that time thing pops up again. :)


--------------------------------------------------------------------------         Time, precious time. Where does it all go?