Subject: Re^2: Colorkit kernel boot failure/X problems
To: Colin Wood <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/29/1996 15:00:16
> I'd recommend installing a much more recent color kernel (although I 

Yes, that would be advisable.

> cannot remember where Taras keeps them right at the moment).  Also, Ken 
> Nakata just recently posted that a far more recent color X server has 
> been compiled and should be available (on puma, I think ?).

Well, it's not "a far more recent color X server".  It's only slightly
newer than the other color servers, but it's just been uploaded onto
puma ;-(  Sorry for the confusion.

|         NAKATA, Ken -           |
|Wanted to run MkLinux on your Mac but gave up 'cause yours is a 68k Mac?|
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