Subject: re: mac68k kernel for OpenBSD 2.0
To: Allan 'Norm' Crain <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/27/1996 07:25:17
On Tue, 26 Nov 1996, Allan 'Norm' Crain wrote:

> According to their web page, OpenBSD/mac68k==Netbsd/mac68k. Basically, OpenBSD
> swipes everything from NetBSD and then adds their own stuff.

The web page is more or less misleading.  There have been significant
changes to various parts of the machine-independent kernel code, for
example.  While there are no mac68k-specific changes, the operation of the
system as a whole cannot be characterized this simply.

The policies of code inclusion for OpenBSD are significantly more lax than
for NetBSD.  This has adversely affected the stability of the system,
though not necessarily in easily observable ways.  There are at least two
changes -- one machine independent, one i386-specific -- that have caused
problems that were predicted by certain NetBSD developers.  The analysis
of these changes to OpenBSD is the primary reason they were rejected for
inclusion in NetBSD.

Currently, the OpenBSD developer responsible for the machine independent
change mentioned above (a VM system "fix") has stated that since the
problem has only affected one user, he's not going to spend the time to
resolve the remaining issue with this change.

> Don't ask me why
> they don't just work on the NetBSD project... Probably political, or they want
> their own glory, or something else like that.

Something like that.  It's a long story that really doesn't bear
repeating, at least not on a semi-public mailing list such as this.  This
doesn't mean I'm willing to slog through the whole sordid thing privately,
though. :-/
