Subject: Error in iteattach() ?
To: macbsd port <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Goyette <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/09/1996 13:24:42
I was just trying to build a kernel that would support both my nubus 
video card and my Mac IIci's internal video, so it wouldn't matter where 
my monitor was attached when I boot NetBSD.  So, I put the following in 
my system configuration file, and built the kernel from scratch:

	nubus0		at mainbus0

	macvid0		at nubus0	# Video card
	intvid0		at obio0	# Internal video hardware

	# Attach grf semantics to video hardware
	grf*		at intvid0
	grf*		at macvid0

	# Attach ite semantics to the appropriate grf device
	ite0		at grf?

The resulting kernel boots into single-user mode successfully, whether 
the monitor is attached to the video card or to internal video.  But, 
when the monitor is attached to internal video, the ite0 minimal console 
doesn't get configured!  Needless to say, this plays havoc with other 
stuff, like X!  ite0 gets configured correctly when the monitor is 
attached to the nubus card.

I've tracked it down to rouine iteattach() in ite.c, where it seems that 
the call to pmap_extract() returns zero, which of course won't match the 
value for conspa.

Any ideas on why this would happen?  Has something/someone stomped on a 
critical piece of memory?