Subject: Re: Beep causing panic in quadra kernels?
To: Hans-Christian Becker <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/09/1996 14:26:03
On Sat, 9 Nov 1996, Hans-Christian Becker wrote:

> Oh yes, the display is a little messed up (but then it always was)
> when it comes to inverse video - the inversion won't stop until the next
> inversion, so to say.

Either use vt100 for your terminal type (in /etc/ttys, it says "vt220"
right now) or use the `dt' (desktop) utility.  There is a problem with the
console emulator that nobody's been bothered enough to track it down.  (I
use an IBM terminal on my headless Mac IIx, so I don't have much call to
use the ite. :-)
