Subject: Re: Bash, DT, and other ramblings.
To: Jonathan Short <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/03/1996 10:53:24
> This may be system V, but I believe that a kill -9 will kill stuff so 
> that it really really dies.  -Jonathan

That's true on BSD, too, however on either system, if a process is
asleep with a priority less than PZERO, then it will not receive the
signal.  This usually means some sort of driver problem.  Such sleeps
should be guaranteed to wakeup in a short period of time.

> > I've been having problems with processes refusing to die under NetBSD.
> > Even when I do a kill -KILL or enter single user mode they still stick
> > around.  Has anyone experienced this?  I use the bash shell.

Which processes get stuck like that?  What kind of system are you
running on?


              Allen Briggs - end killing -