Subject: Re: 1.2-current machine status update
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Yasuhiro Mitsui <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/21/1996 20:32:27
At 3:13 AM 96.10.21, Colin Wood wrote:

> Partially working machines (i.e. broken disk, cpu not fully supported)
> ======================================================================
> Model    CPU    SC IV NV IE NE ADB SCSI FPU 32 Kernel Comments
> -----  -------  -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- --- -- ------ -------------------
> Q950   040/33   N  ?  ?  N  ?   Y   N    Y  Y

ADB is Yes on Quadra950 ?
Is it true ?
Which kernel ?

My Quarda950 does not work current ADBTEST kernel.
GENRIC and INTVIDTEST kernel also not work. panic of "unknown OS trap 0xa087"

And when I switch on Serial Console, Booter Freezing before restart.