Subject: 1.2-current machine status
To: NetBSD Mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/20/1996 06:14:30
Ok, I've created my tables once again, and tried to fill in as much 
information as I can find for each of the models I've heard about.  (One 
of these days, I'm going to have to find a decently flexible database to 
handle this ;-)

Anyway, here is what will shortly become the current machine-status 
document for NetBSD/mac68k:

NetBSD/Mac68k Machine Status
Colin Wood,
v1.2.1, 20 October 1996

This document serves as the definitive source of information of the
status of which Macintosh models are known to work with current
kernels (i.e. post-1.2 release) for the mac68k port of NetBSD
(a.k.a. MacBSD)

Model = Mac Model
CPU = processor (type/speed)
SC = Serial console required
IV = Internal (on board) video works
NV = Nubus/PDS video works
IE = Internal ethernet works
NE = Nubus/PDS ethernet works
ADB = ADB (keyboard and mouse) works
SCSI = SCSI works
FPU = Has built-in math coprocessor
PMMU = Has Paged Memory Management Unit on board
32 = Has 32-bit clean ROM's (does _not_ require MODE32)
Kernel = Recommended kernel (1.2 = NetBSD 1.2 release kernel)
Comments = ...

Y = yes, N = no, O = not an option, ? = no info available

Fully working machines (i.e. ADB, video, disk)

Model    CPU    SC IV NV IE NE ADB SCSI FPU 32 Kernel Comments
-----  -------  -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- --- -- ------ -------------------

SE/30  030/16   N  Y  Y  O  Y   Y   Y    Y  N

II     020/16   N  O  Y  O  Y   Y   Y    Y  N         68851 (PMMU) req'd

IIx    030/16   N  O  Y  O  Y   Y   Y    Y  N

IIcx   030/16   N  O  Y  O  Y   Y   Y    Y  N

IIci   030/25   N  Y  Y  O  Y   Y   Y    Y  Y

IIsi   030/20   N  Y  Y  O  Y   Y   Y    N  Y

IIvi   030/16   N  Y  Y  O  Y   Y   Y    N  Y

IIvx   030/32   N  Y  Y  O  Y   Y   Y    Y  Y

LCII   030/16   N  ?  ?  O  ?   Y   Y    O  Y

LCIII  030/25   N  Y  ?  O  Y   Y   Y    N  Y

LC520  030/25   Y  ?  ?  O  ?   N   Y    N  Y

LC550  030/33   N  Y  ?  0  ?   Y   Y    N  Y

MacTV  030/32   N  Y  O  O  O   Y   Y    O  Y

P460   030/33   N  Y  ?  O  ?   Y   Y    N  Y

P520   030/25   N  ?  ?  0  ?   Y   Y    N  Y

P560   030/33   N  ?  ?  0  ?   Y   Y    N  Y

P600   030/32   N  ?  ?  O  N   Y   Y    N  Y

Partially working machines (i.e. broken disk, cpu not fully supported)

Model    CPU    SC IV NV IE NE ADB SCSI FPU 32 Kernel Comments
-----  -------  -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- --- -- ------ -------------------

Q630   040/33   N  ?  ?  O  ?   Y   ?    Y  Y

Q650   040/25   N  ?  ?  N  ?   Y   N    Y  Y

Q660av 040/25   N  ?  ?  N  ?   Y   N    Y  Y

Q700   040/25   N  ?  ?  N  ?   Y   N    Y  Y

Q800   040/33   N  ?  ?  N  ?   Y   N    Y  Y

Q900   040/25   N  ?  ?  N  ?   Y   N    Y  Y

Q950   040/33   N  ?  ?  N  ?   Y   N    Y  Y

PB520 LC040/25  N  Y  ?  N  ?   Y   Y    O  Y

PB540 LC040/33  N  Y  ?  N  ?   Y   Y    O  Y

PB550c 040/33   N  Y  N  N  ?   Y   Y    Y  Y

Serial console only machines (i.e. broken ADB and/or video, working disc)

Model    CPU    SC IV NV IE NE ADB SCSI FPU 32 Kernel Comments
-----  -------  -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- --- -- ------ -------------------

PB145  030/25   Y  ?  O  O  O   N   Y    O  Y

PB160  030/25   Y  ?  O  O  O   ?   Y    O  Y         onboard (ext) vid

PB165c 030/33   Y  ?  O  O  O   N   Y    Y  Y         onboard (ext) vid

PB170  030/25   Y  ?  O  O  O   ?   Y    Y  Y

PB180  030/33   Y  ?  O  O  O   N   Y    Y  Y         onboard (ext) vid

II     030/16   Y  N  O  O  O   N   Y    O  Y

Color  030/16   Y  ?  ?  O  ?   N   Y    N  Y

Partially working, serial console only machines (i.e. cpu not fully supported)

Model    CPU    SC IV NV IE NE ADB SCSI FPU 32 Kernel Comments
-----  -------  -- -- -- -- -- --- ---- --- -- ------ -------------------

Q605  LC040/25  Y  ?  ?  O  ?   N   N    O  Y

C610  LC040/20  Y  ?  ?  N  ?   N   N    N  Y         rcmd '040 upgrade

LC475 LC040/25  Y  ?  ?  O  ?   N   N    O  Y

As usual, I welcome your comments, suggestions, criticisms, additions, 
corrections, deletions, etc.  _Please_ let me know if I have anything 
wrong on this document.  Also, if you can help me fill in a ? or two, 
please email me with the info.

If anyone has a problem understanding the categories, I'd also like to 
know about it.  The previous machine-status document was a bit confusing 
on some categories, hopefully, this one isn't.

Thanks for your input.


Colin Wood                            
Consultant                                        Rice University
Information Technology Services                       Houston, TX