Subject: Re: Device driver autoconfig question
To: Hauke Fath <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/02/1996 23:28:23
> Well, I wish the NetBSD device driver framework was only _half_ as easy
> to see through as the IWM code.

I know what you mean.
I'm terribly guilty for not documenting much of anything.

> My iwm match function _is_ called - that's not the problem.
> What puzzles me is that other ports' floppy drivers are actually given a
> string (referenced by aux) to compare their name with.

On those systems, the match function may be called multiple
times.  Actually, 'aux' on the mac68k platform is a pointer to a
'struct confargs' (defined in autoconf.h).  This contains two
elements, 'bustype' and 'slot'.  For obio, the bustype is 0,
which looks like "" when you treat it like a string.  'slot'
is ignored for obio.

> You cant' just set a breakpoint with
> gdb and step through, can you? ;-) 

I've never tried...  ;-)
Basically, autoconf.c:configure() calls config_rootfound().  This goes into
mainbus.c, which cascades into obio.c and nubus.c, each of which probes
the "devices" on those "busses."

> Does any NetBSD person actually update the information there? Never seen
> any changes... 

Very occasionally.  There is a distinct lack of kernel-level
documentation of any detail.  I think this is a combination of
several things:

	* It's in constant flux.  Of varying degrees, and some things
	  have not changed in years.
	* There's always something more interesting to work on than
	  documenting what's running.
	* "anyone who needs to know can look at the code to figure it

That said, at least a couple of folks on current-users (I think that's
where they're hanging out) have been working on section 9 (kernel) man
pages.  Perhaps you can contribute something there when you get it
figured out...  ;-)


              Allen Briggs - end killing -