Subject: Re: Setting up P630
To: Jason Godfrey <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/22/1996 00:21:26
Are the P630 and the Q630 more alike than I had thought?

On Sat, 21 Sep 1996, Jason Godfrey wrote:

> 1. Most commands give an Illegal Instruction error. If I remember the
> priror discusion on the list, this is because of a problem with the FPU
> emulation. (Am I right???)

Well, yes, I believe so.  Since I don't know what CPU is in the Quadra
630 (or the Performa 630, for that matter), I can only guess that we're
talking about a 68LC040-based system.  There are clearly some problems
with the floating point emulator vs. the LC040... I hope to sort them out

> 2. Disk support: There is no IDE or SCSI drivers yet.

More accurately, there's no support at all for IDE, and no working support
for SCSI in most newer machines.  There have been no functional changes to
the ncrscsi96 driver in the official source since before the 1.1 release.

There is an unlisted problem here with any 040-based machine:  there is
currently no way to extract physical addresses from the MacOS page table,
which is generally necessary for video to work.  I'm working on this, too.

> I'm going to do a test with the 1.2b kernals to see if the Rom vectors made
> it in.

They are not in the 1.2 (or previous) source.  This is a post-1.2 change.
Note that the same post-1.2 kernel does support NFS-mounted root and swap,
however... if you have a working Ethernet card and another (preferably
NetBSD) machine connected to the same network, you can get at least
something working on this machine.
