Subject: Re: Printing: PowerPrint hardware ?
To: Stefan Schmiedl <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/18/1996 14:29:58
> I feel like a printer demon,
> because every once in a while
> I turn my head up and ask for help using printers...


> So I snatched a NEC Pinwriter P7 (very wide, A3 paper landscape)
> from a friend who does not use it anymore and tried to get it to
> work on my Mac. Since there is no serial interface option installed,
> I may decide to buy PowerPrint from GDT Softworks.
> Besides thousands of drivers for zillions of printers the package
> contains a cable which seems to hold a device for transforming
> the serial data output by the Mac to the parallel stuff wanted by
> the P7.
> Now I wonder, if the P7 connected with this cable will be a
> plain and simple /dev/lp or not, i.e. will the following command
> produce the expected results?
> cat listing.f83 > /dev/tty01
> (yeah, this is not the politically correct way of printing,
> but I want to emphasize that there are no intermediate filters)

/dev/lp? I don't think we (mac68k) have it. But other than that, if
you set the baud rate correctly, then you should just be able to
cat to the file. :-)

I'd suggest 57600 as your first try at a baud rate.

Take care,
