Subject: first posting; partitioning a ZIP drive.
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Roel K. Brand <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/16/1996 22:00:02
Well, recently I became interested in UN*X and since I have a Mac at
home, I decided to look for a Unix for the Mac. So I ran into MacBSD.
Now I downloaded the files I would need for installation, according to
the INSTALL file and the first thing to do would be to repartition a disk
to create a A/IX filesystem. OK, this I understand and I also have the
Apple HD SC Setup 3.0.1 (A/UX) utility with which I want to do the job.
But now it comes: I want to build the Root on a zip-drive. Only my
uitility won't partition the disk because it claims to be unable to
unmount the disk since some file is still in use. I think this is the
Desktop DB but how do I unmount the disk so that I can partition it?