Subject: Re: macbsd on PB520
To: Scott Reynolds <>
From: Erik Bertelsen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/14/1996 13:01:04
On Sat, 14 Sep 1996, Scott Reynolds wrote:

.. Erik Bertelsen figured out that you can use the mount_ffs program directly
.. to mount your partitions.  Not that it helps much, though.
Yes, you can mount other partitions, but I did not succeed in re-mounting
/ read-write.
.. I'd really like to squish this bug, but having to do it without having
.. an 'LC040 machine here has proven to be rather challenging.  My initial
.. attempts to resolve this have failed, though I'm not at all sure why.

And the conclusion is that any program that uses stdio will fail. I did
succeed in producing several core dumps, and the gdb tracebacks and some
objdump gymnastics showed that all these programs die in the same place,
i.e. at an FPU instruction. See a previous message by me for the specific

/ Erik.