Subject: Re: CAP
To: None <>
From: Scott Ellis <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/04/1996 19:02:54
In "Re: CAP", (Chris Mason) wrote: 
> Thanks, but it still doesn't work:
> At 5:02 PM 9/4/96, Virtually Here wrote:
> >Just make sure you enable bpf in your kernel config, and you have the bpf's
> >in /dev (MAKEDEV bpf if you don't).
> Here's what I did:
> compiled & installed CAP acording to the directions, letting Configure
> figure out NetBSD and then configuring it for BPF (or whatever, I accepted
> basically the defaults).
> #/dev/MAKEDEV bpf01 ... /dev/MAKEDEV bpf08
> #/usr/local/cap/aarpd ae0 McGill
> to which it says:
> open: /dev/bpfXX: No such file or directory
> 21:52:32 09/04/96  pi_open: aarp_init: No such file or directory
> init_enet: network initialization failed
> >CAP and UAR work fine (albeit really slowly) on NetBSD 1.1 and -current.
> I have CAP but I don't have UAR.  What is it and do I have to have it??  Is
> that the missing piece??

What you've done so far looks right to me...although the error you're
is rather odd.  Are you sure your kernel has bpf in it?

The problem might be UAR...I seem to recall needing UAR to get CAP to work
on "unsupported" machines (i.e., not SunOS).  UAR is Unix Appletalk
basically if you don't have a network with a router that grok's appletalk
packets, you had to run UAR on one machine, which would then act as a
I don't remember if CAP needed it just in my particular installation (which
is/was a large intranet with no AppleTalk support), or all the time.  I 
*think* UAR can be had from the same site which is CAP's home (somewhere at
Columbia ;-).


  //  Scott Ellis   //   //   //
// WARNING: This signature warps  time and space in its vicinity    //