Subject: Re: xtetris
To: John Ostrowick <>
From: Stephen C. Brown <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/24/1996 12:16:44
>you said you've got this. tetris is my fave game. you also mentioned it's
>nice on color x. does this mean you've gotten x to run in color on your
>mac? how, and can i have a copy of the tetris :-) ?

xtetris is available from one of my favorite sites(sunsite):

If they don't respond, try one of the mirror sites( for example).
xtetris didn't take too much changing to compile, but let me know if you
have problems.  It looks like the high score drawing isn't working just
right on my copy, but everything else works perfectly(kind of strange because
the flat file has the high scores in it correctly - I'll have to look at it
later).  Be sure to put the application defaults file in the
/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults directory or you might not get proper behavior.

As for color X, I am using the experimental color X kit available from area.  It does not work
on all systems and the kernel seems to conflict with most ethernet cards.
But it works well on my Mac IIx as long as I yank the ethernet card
first.  Be certain you have at least 8 megabytes of memory as color X can get

Steve Brown
>John Ostrowick
>Computer Science Department, University of the Witwatersrand
>1 Jan Smuts Ave, Johannesburg, South Africa. 1st Floor, Senate House 1012
>Phone: +27 (011) 716-3783
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