Subject: Problem reading files from cdrom
To: Port Mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael L. Hendrick <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/13/1996 14:48:48
I am running a binary snapshot of the 4/26 source of MacBSD on an SE/30
with 8mb ram.  I have an internal 100mb hd, and external scsi drives
salvaged from my old PC (a 700mb drive which MacBSD is installed on, a NEC
3x cdrom and NBR 7 cdrom changer).  I am new to both the macintosh and
netbsd, but have run freebsd on a pc for a year or so.

When trying to read cd's (like the BSDisc or the FreeBSD set), I can read
files from some directories, but not from others.  For example, on the
BSDisc Netbsd disk, I can read and copy files from the kernal source config
directory, but I cannot read files in the source directory for mount.  I
can list them, but trying to read or copy the files either results in a
read error, or an 'invalid arguement' message from cp.
This problem occurs in both cdrom drives.

Michael Hendrick