Subject: Re: Stylewriter I/II ?
To: Johnny C Lam <>
From: Monroe Williams <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/25/1996 15:56:49
Johnny C Lam writes:
>What is the latest news on printing to a StyleWriter?  I'd like to print
>out some TeX documents from NetBSD, and I have only a StyleWriter I.

I'm the one who was working on a StyleWriter driver.  It currently
works on the original StyleWriter (1?).  I was trying to get it working
on the Color StyleWriter 2400 (the only other StyleWriter I have access
to) before I made up a release, but I ran into various problems
(possibly related to the serial driver and/or some wierdness with the
Quantum 730 drive I'm using for BSD) that kept me from making progress
on it.  About that time, various factors (work, a night class, etc.)
conspired to suck up most of my free time, so I haven't looked at it
for a couple of months.

Just today I got some more memory for my bsd system, which I hope will
keep it from swapping quite so much, and thus stop the disk wierdness
from crashing the system.  Since your message is the second one about
the StyleWriter driver I've gotten this week, I'll try to get something
presentable put together soon (probably sometime next week, as I'm
going out of town this weekend).

-- monroe
Monroe Williams