Subject: Floppy Support for NetBSD
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Don Woodward Jr. <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/24/1996 05:51:04
I'm gathering information to possibly write a floppy device driver for the
Mac68k port of NetBSD. I've worked with Unix since 1982 but have never
written a device driver.

Has anyone signed up for or worked on floppy support in NetBSD any?

Does anyone have any suggestions on specific info on the IWM and SWIM drive

I haven't been able to gunzip the "sys" sources yet due to disk space
limits - this will be my first priority. I see a boot message to floppy0 so
I assume some hooks are in the kernal?

I'm about to order more disk space for NetBSD. I currently have a Performa
550 with the full 1.1 distributions, X distribution, on a drive partitioned
as a 100mb /usr, 20mb /user, 40mb /builds and a 32mb swap. If I move some
files around in MacOS I can free up a disk to reformat for NetBSD. Will
160mb free do for building the kernal sources?

Any advice you give would be appreciated.


-- Don

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