Subject: 040 Accelerators
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/24/1996 00:50:34
I'm planning on purchasing  either a Daystar Digital TURBO 040 40 MHZ
accelerator (some with 128k cache and an FPU) or a MicroMac Carrera040
40 MHZ 040 (with FPU) plus a cache card (doesnt come built in like with
the daystar).
I need to know which of these most likely will run netbsd for 68040 when
it comes out. What do you all use? If you have any of these cards i'd
like some feedback as to how you like it. Does either the Daystar 68030
or the MicroMac Carrera 68030 accelerators work with the CURRENT netbsd?
I'd like some feedback on this as well...
BTW i will be installing either of these cards on a Mac IIsi.
Final Note: My provider's provider has been upgrading their router so
ive been unable to get the mailing list for 5 days now because my
provider;s provider changed my provider's IP number and the nameservers
arent updated yet. So *PLEASE* email responses to spectrum@
as that is the new IP for I would also like confirmation that
this message actually made it to the mailing list if possible.
Thank you for your time. (spectrum@