Subject: Not sure what to do...
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jell-O <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/22/1996 19:18:52

I read through Build-HOWTO (which I'm assuming is somewhat/mostly correct).  
Generic-55 is working just great for me, except I need to disable 
ethernet because I've got a Sonic card installed and of course, netbsd 
chokes when I attempt to boot with it in the machine.  I tried to RTFM as 
best I could, but I'm still a little unsure.  How much of the Build-HOWTO 
FAQ should I believe and how much needs updating?  I've heard something 
on the port-mac68k list about some of the things in the FAQ not being
100% accurate.  It is dated Apr 18, 94.  That's about two years old.  

I've also never tried to build a kernal before.  I need a little advice;
Besides disabling e-net, how can I include generic-55's code?  

Sorry for being a little ignorant on this one...  :)

