Subject: LCII booting multi-user
To: Port-Mac <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/09/1996 13:58:06

last time I reported boot success with my LCII and the ADBTEST.132
kernel in single user mode.

Well, booting in multi-user mode failed because /etc/ttys told the init
process to run two gettys at the same time on the console. I commented
out every line except the one for the console in the ttys file and now
seems to work all fine.

Just wanted to tell this to all the other LCII/Performa400/405 users.
It's now time to get this kernel and try again running NetBSD!

so long, Markus

  Markus Hitter             Voice: ++49/651/828172
  Trier (Germany)           WWW: