Subject: date/time problems, keyboard setup
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Taras Ivanenko <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/08/1996 12:09:03
The doomsday arrived! The time flow changed yesterday. I set the
time on my mac to match the rest of the country one hour ahead. Now
mac shows the correct time, but macbsd has its own notion of time so
the clock was advanced 2 hours. Is there something I can do to MacOS
to display the time + 1hr or roll back macbsd time 1 hour (maybe
forget about time shifts and preset the time UTC+4 ?)

What terminal I should use for console? I tried vt220, but emacs is
weird in this mode (deleted text do not move, I should refresh the
screen after every few keystrokes). VT100 works better but I could not
type control-space (set-mark-command).

I would like also to define command key as another option in X. If you
have .xmodmap with this definitions, please send it to me. 

I am sure that problems are easy to solve, I do not want to repeat
other people's work

	Taras Ivanenko