Subject: Kernel im currently using
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/07/1996 00:10:36
Well im currently using the netbsd.111895.GENERIC.fpe kernel with the
libm libraries installed... running 1.1 netbsd standard otherwise... not
sure if i can compile my own kernels or not, only have about 50 megs
free on my drive so dont know if i can even get them on my system.

I tried downloading the secr.tar file but i think i got the wrong one
(the one in eskimo.copy). FOr the record, i couldnt find the secr11.tar
file in the mac directory at perhaps yet i am still
looking in the wrong place... dunno... i did install it and when i tried
to execute telnet it gave me some error about some library missing....
maybe the secr.tar files call something in the libm files which are
included in the comp11.tar file, which get replaced when i install the
libm files needed for 111895.GENERIC.fpe. Thats my guess anyways...