Subject: Re: Syquest EZIDrives
To: None <, port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/05/1996 21:30:27
> I have heard that 135 megabyte Syquest EZIDrives do not work with MacBSD.

Is that true?  I just don't remember hearing of it working on
NetBSD/mac68k or otherwise.

> Apparently, they work fine with the Linux SCSI hard disk driver.
> Presumably the source code for the Linux SCSI hard disk driver is
> freely available, so surely it can't be too difficult to modify it
> to work with MacBSD?

If it's really the case, why don't YOU do it?  I wouldn't want a piece
of GPL'ed code inside the NetBSD kernel source, though.
