Subject: Centris question again
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Joe Faber <joefaber@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/03/1996 02:00:34
Hi Everybody,
Well, I'm back asking again about running MacBSD on my Centris 610.
Seems to me that last I heard the problems with running MacBSD on the 
'610 was that there were problems with:
* The ethernet
* Lack of an FPU on the '040LC

But, I thought that I've read messages over the last week or so that says 
that these problems have been worked out. Is there a kernal that has an 
ADB interface that works with the 610? and does that kernal allow for the 
machine to boot to multi-user mode without an fpu? And, didn't I see a 
message that said that ethernet was now working for the 610? I would 
definitely be interested in getting this machine up and running.  I have 
800 MB of HD space and 12 MB of ram and am just itching to get unix on 
this machine. Help?!?

