Subject: Re: MacBSD for 68040 machines
To: Paul Ripke <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/28/1996 08:12:34
> > We don't fully support 040 machines yet. The 040 part is OK, we
> > just don't support the SCSI, Ethernet, or adb systems on these...
> Um... Are you sure? I've got a DayStar 040 for my IIsi, and from the
> looks of the hang, it dies setting up the MMU mapping.

There is still a missing piece in the 040 support--that's the
virtual-to-physical address lookup function.  The macs have a
lot of variation in the way that memory is laid out and we try
to take a mostly free ride in setting that up by reading what
the MacOS set up for the MMU (the requirement for 32-bit addressing
and hence Mode32 are derived from this).  This is largely for the
support of the IIci and IIsi.  A number of systems don't need this
code, but a number of them do.

I seem to remember at least two people had started to do this work...


  Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
   Where does all my time go?  <a href="">Guess.</a>