Subject: Re: Solid IIci kernel?
To: David Bushong <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/26/1996 08:40:29
Thus spake David Bushong:
> 	Hi, while I'm still fiddling with my Classic II (please work, 
> video, please?)..  I am setting up a friend's dad's IIci (32MB ram, 100 
> disk) with NetBSD.  Assuming 1.1 binaries, can anyone recommend the best 
> (most solid) kernel for the IIci?  (So hopefully I can set him on his 
> merry way alone)

May I recommend GENERIC#5 from puma??? Tis the most stylish kernel for the
IIci that I have encoutnered in quite a while... It  is far mroe stable than
any of the pre-Ehter/SCSI-fix kernels, and appears to actually boot with
regularity (I have been running it successfully all month)..

Anyway, the only problem is that its self-esteem isn't where it should:
NetBSD/mac68k does not trust itself to write to pram on this machine.

Certainly is a message you will see fairly often.  Also, the sound on it is
extremely quiet and sometimes non-existent (darned system beep), and the
kernel will occassionally and somewhat inexplicibly drop into a white text on
black background mode which is just fine for me since I can read this much
easier.  Incidentally, has any other MacBSDophile considered adding perhaps a
config option so that the kernel console could be white-on-black.  MacBSD
doesn't really run on any laptops, and I know it would be at least easier for
us visually impaired types.  I tried making these changes to dt, but had
little luck.  I could get the text to draw in reverse, but I was missing som
sort of a function to change which drew in large blocks as when I ran the
clear command.. Thoguths?


Gene Skonicki           "Sometimes I get so tired of this thing called life.          I'm not scared of dying; I'm afraid of going through
			 this thing twice." -Poy Dog Pondering