Subject: Re: Kernel Options
To: Aaron S. Magill <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/23/1996 11:15:03
On Sat, 23 Mar 1996, Aaron S. Magill wrote:
> is there a way to remake everything (something like
> 'make all' in /usr/sys)
cd /usr/src; make build
> How much disk space will this take, for object
> files and source?
I don't compile the domestic, games, or gnu parts of the tree, and it
took on the order of 45MB of disk. Since gnu contains the toolchain
(compiler, assembler, linker, etc) and C++ library, among other things,
it'd be a safe bet to assume you need 70-80MB of disk to do this.
Oh, and yes, I modified /usr/src/Makefile so I don't build those parts.
> I don't want to know how long it will take... I have a
> lowly macIIx, [...]
Too bad if you don't want to know. ;-) My lowly IIx takes days to do a
full build. Last time I ran one through to completion about 6 months ago,
it took about 60 hours.