Subject: Re: SE30 and Ethernet
To: Yoshihisa SUGIMOTO <>
From: Julian Bean <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/22/1996 15:21:03
At 8:39 pm 22/3/96, Yoshihisa SUGIMOTO wrote:
>At  3:35 AM 96.3.22 -0500, Michael H. Lim wrote:
>>Hi All,
>>I just installed an ethernet card (Asante MC32SI) into my PDS
>>slot and get the following message when I boot netbsd 1.1:
>>aeo at nubus 0: address 00:00:94:31:89:81 type MacNIC II/E 32k
>>ae0: length does not match the next packet pointer
>>ae0: len 0000 nlen ff00 start 0c first 00 curr 5c next 00 stop80
>>ae0: NIC memory corrupt -invalid packet length 65280
>>Does anyone have any idea what this all means? I have never used
>>UNIX on the admin side before, only on the user side, so it is a
>>challenge for me to make heads or tales of this stuff.
>I once experienced this message. At that time, I returned to MacOS and
>zapped PRAM with TechTool, then set the Memory control panel and so on
>Next time I started MacBSD, I didn't see the message.
>Hope it helps,

Can anyone imagine why this would help?

Surely NIC memory has nothing to do with real memory or PRAM?


P.S. I;m not saying it doesn't help, I'm just wondering aloud...

|  Jelibean aka  |           |  6 Evelyn Road      |
|  Jules aka     |                               |  Richmond, Surrey   |
|  Julian Bean   |(|  TW9 2TF    *UK*    |
|  The Other Place - n. (pop.) Depending on the affiliation of the     |
|  speaker, one of Oxford, Cambridge, The House of Lords, The House of |
|  Commons, Hell.  Draw your own conclusions.                          |