Subject: Re: Ethernet card status report
To: Julian Bean <>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/04/1996 07:01:11
> In the absence of anyone more 'suitable', you can consider me to have
> picked this project up.  Constraints of work + my girlfriend have prevented
> me working on it for the best part of a week.  I will try and do some more
> on it this evening.
> Is anyone else out there having problems with ethernet cards?  I know about
> Brad.
> The situation seems to be :
> I ( have the problem on an LCIII with an Asante/MacCon card.
> Brad ( has the problem on a MacII, but only when
> his video card is in a lower numbered slot than the ethernet card.

This is with an apple ethernet card, possibly with others, I'll be testing that soon.

> Tim Howland ( has the problem on a performa 600, with an
> Asante card as well.
> Josh Moyer ( has the problem on a 520, with an
> Asante/MacCon card.
> The symptom in each case is the machine hanging immediately after probing
> the ae card.  Brad & I have built debugging kernels which show that the
> hang is while trying to turn interrupts on, in enable_nubus_intr in via.c.
> I originally assumed it was something silly about the Nubus emulation of
> the LCIII's PDS slot.  However, the fact the Brad has the problem on a II
> rather damages this theory.  His evidence rather suggests that the problem
> is interrupts from the display card causing trouble.  Does the fact that it
> only happens when the video card is in a lower slot mean anything to
> anyone?
A little more on this. NetBSD boots ok if the video card is in a higher numbered slot, but the ethernet card does not work. If you try to send any data through it, it crashes (I suspect on an interrupt, but that is a pure guess). 

I'd be glad to test that part, but I'll need suggestions on where to put debugging stuff.
