Subject: Re: PPP, sup, life, the universe, and everything
To: Julian Bean <>
From: John P. Wittkoski <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/14/1996 11:37:38
On Wed, 14 Feb 1996, Julian Bean wrote:

> All these serial errors, are, AFAIK, without the recent serial fixes, as
> the kernel is jpw's original adbtest, dated Nov 28.

The netbsd.11.28 kernel did NOT have the serial fixes that took care of
the fifo overrun problems.

> Incidentally, I am running sup as sup -v, since I wanted to see what it was
> doing.  Is it slow because of the '-v', slow because it's the first time,
> slow because of my ISP, or just always slow?  It seems to be processing
> about a file every 2 seconds, and therefore it is looking like a few hours
> to check the whole src tree (there are several thousand files in BSD,
> aren't there?)  Should it be 'Updating' every single file (at least, at a
> casual glance it seems to be all of them)?  Does 'Updating' simply mean
> checking, as opposed to 'Receiving' which I have only seen for about 15
> files so far?

The first time you run sup, it will UPDATE almost everything. It took me
a few hours the first time I ran sup. It confused me at first also, but
UPDATING really means 'checking' while RECEIVING means 'getting the file'.
Now I run sup once or twice a week. It only takes 5-10 minutes at most to
update the mac68k and the base kernel sets.

> While I'm on the subject of sup, there is an 'unofficial' utility with it
> which 'touch'es all sup'ed files so that just typing 'make' rebuilds all
> changed stuff.  Why is this necessary?  Surely sup'ed files have their mod.
> dates touched anyway, and a 'make' will automatically work?

The question is: does sup set the file dates to the _current_ time or the
mod time from the _server_? If it sets it to the last mod time on the sup
server, that time may have been _before_ you last ran make, so it might
not catch it next time you make. At least, that's the only reason I can
think of that you would need such a utility.


P.S. Where is that unofficial utility? It might come in handy.

 John Wittkoski				InSoft, Inc.
 Senior Systems Engineer                Phone: (717) 730-9501
 Email:                  Fax  : (717) 730-9504