Subject: Re: Printer/SErial
To: Mack Nagashima <mackn@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/01/1996 22:08:01
> 	I'm using the generic #52 kernel on my IIsi...and i have a 
> 4/600PS hooked up to tty01...i cat files to it but the light doesn't 
> it supposed?  I can't seem to access the printer..i think it's 
> the printer... does ANYONE out there ave a 4/600?

What does the manual say? In the technical section, it should say if it
is capable of being connected to a serial port. LocalTalk is different.
If the printer can do serial, then it will say what baud rate to set.
If it only supports LocalTalk, then I'm affraid that you are out of
luck at the present time. We don't have LocalTalk support yet.

If the only drivers supplied with MacOS require the printer be on
LocalTalk, then it quite probably doesn't support just serial. :-(

Good luck!
