Subject: 1. still won't boot right & 2. ideas for creators of netbsd
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Ostrowick <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/01/1996 16:01:09

i boot it single user mode as root fine. but it's read-only. ok, i can
handle that. problem is, if i go into multi-user mode, it automatically
runs a whole load of daemons and then gets stuck looking for a link file
which doesn't exist (or some such error).

ok. presuming i can enable read/write root access by using

mount -a'u'w /      (or whatever)

as advised, i then have the problems of
- how to edit the etc/rc that's running all those daemons,
- as well as seeing which of the etc/rc's is doing it,
- as well as finding out why it hangs in a loop trying to resolve some link
Any suggestions?


would the guys who do netbsd for mac please do the following:

- make a booter program that actually *does* save its prefs. i get really
annoyed resetting boot vol scsi id to 0 from the default of 5; no matter
how many times i click on save, it just doesn't save. I'm sure we all have
our internal boot volumes set to 0. I'm sure most of us would rather keep
the thing on the internal hard disk instead of some arbitrary external
drive (which we might not necessarily have).

- make the thing stop asking me for root shell and terminal type when i
boot in single user mode (currently the only mode that boots to a shell). I
want to be able to set this somewhere that it always reads. I presume this
is in the normal etc/rc and .cshrc and etc/passwd, but i can't edit them
and ain't sure that they *are* there and not in the kernel... Correct me if
these are not the places to look.

- make an a/ux mounter for the macos so i can mount the a/ux partition and
see what is on it and more importantly, be able to edit the files in bbedit
because i **HATE** "vi" and it's the best you get under unix.

I'd really appreciate help with this.

John Ostrowick
Computer Science Department, University of the Witwatersrand
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