Subject: Re: aargh, I'm ready to throw the mac out the window
To: Alex Ardalich <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/30/1996 13:41:46
> Hi All,
> Has 'lots' of people managed to get ppp to work? :/

Yep. I've got it running quite stabily at home.

> I tried entering the files in a previuos posting...
> I get the connecting....done
> but pppd doesn't even run.

Are you running a "ppp-up" script to get the above message? Sounds like
you are using the same files I am. On my machine, it's only after I get
that message and have a command prompt back that things start
happening. Are all the files in the right place? Look at all the path
names & make sure they are right.

Do the modem lights flicker?

> I tried the other suggestion of getting pppd/chat to dial the no.
> and then kill the processes...
> It dials the number but the processes disapear by themselves.
> and when I try to use cu I get the following error..
> cu:write Input/Output error
> and it disconnects.

That's because cu's kinda broken at present. I've just stoped trying
with it.

> I am very close to throwing this thing out the window....


> oh, what does one put as a machine name etc for ppp? (if I ever
> get it working) or does it get ignored?

It gets ignored. I have my machine name set, and have its entry in
hosts pointing to the loopback interface. I'm not sure if it's
right, but it works. ppp will just use the IP address your provider
gives you.

Good luck!
