Subject: Re: running/installing X11R6
To: Kirk Boston <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/23/1996 14:03:09
> well first I installed it into the root directory instead of /usr which i 
> fixed with a link.  
> then when running startx i get the error "xinit: not found.
> when looking through the startx script I find the path 
> sysclientrc=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc from doing a find on the 
> whole drive it seems that I cannot locate xinitrc or a directory called 
> xinit in the X11 directory. So does anyone knows what is going wrong or 
> where I can get the fix from...

There is no such file unless you create one.  The file xinitrc is 
basically a set of shell commands which should create a console window, 
start a window manager, any useful clients, etc.  

It sounds like your problem is actually caused by having installed X in 
the wrong place.  It looks like the xinit program is just not currently 
in your path.  I would suggest that you remove the X distribution and 
reinstall it if this is not too much trouble.  If it is too much trouble, 
I would go back and check all your symbolic links to make sure that they 
were in fact pointing to where you think they are.  Finally, you might 
want to make sure that /usr/X11/bin is in your path, and that this in 
fact points to the right place.


Colin Wood                            
Consultant                                        Rice University
Information Technology Services                       Houston, TX