Subject: NetBSD for Macintosh on Powerbook 165c
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Eldee Stephens III <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/25/1995 13:07:20
Over the past week, I have attempted to run MacBSD on my PowerBook 165c.
The results of these tests are typed below. If anyone can assist me in
getting MacBSD up and running, please email at

On Booter 1.8

I pointed the booter to the Mac OS and to the kernel netbsd.GENERIC_47
which I obtained from I
then booted and sucessfully got past the copyright notice and thought
everything was going fine. After listing the registers and the kernel
stack, it then stated:

panic: Address error     Stopped at _Debugger+0x6      unlk      a6


I tried to type something in at the db> prompt, but I couldn't. I then
tried using kernel netbsd.WORMHOLE_39. I obtained it from the same site
listed above and followed the same steps as above. It produced the exact
same results.

On Booter 1.9 Prerelease

After reaching dead ends with the current booter, I tried the prerelease
version of Booter 1.9. I used the exact same two kernels I tried above and
again pointed it to the Mac OS as I have no root device. Yet, both kernels
gave me another dead end. This time, however, it never got to the point
where it listed the registers. It froze at:

mrg: ADB interrupts enabled.

Remember, I just tried booting with a kernel and NOTHING else. If I had
gotten "kernel panic: no boot device", my tests would have been sucessful.
If anyone knows what to do, please email me ASAP.

-- Eldee

Eldee Stephens III, Macintosh Systems Consultant
Thessian Technologies

* Member of thessaLINK *